Showing posts with label Makeshift Comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Makeshift Comics. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Makeshift Comics 1996 Catalog

I don't know what Brad Foster and I did in order to make Jefferson Powers go out of his way to get so personal in slamming us and our work, but we found it sort of amusing at the time and enjoyed the status of being officially unhip. Actually I had never heard of Jefferson until this arrived in the mail, so it came out of nowhere for me.

If we were thought of as dinosaurs in 1996 I'm not sure what we would be called in 2011! But I considered it an honor to be lumped together as a one-gag wonder with Brad. That's good company.

It's rather unusual to be so critical of the very books you are attempting to sell, hence my scanning and posting this.

Most of the titles Powers listed had a 1st Fandom House ed. statement. It is interesting he singled out Storm Warnings as a title that stands out, since I consider it one of my weaker, maudlin, and more conventional works. Oh well, I guess our type of comix are not for everyone. Jefferson and I had a brief correspondence after this came out. Everything was fine, there were no hard feelings.