Showing posts with label card catalog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label card catalog. Show all posts

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Morty Comix # 2478

Morty Comix # 2478 is being sent to Maximum Traffic in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Here's the story: Back in the 1980s and the pre-Internet 1990s I was right on top of my postal mail. The US Postal Service was my lifeline to my comix comrades. But that was then.

Today I check my PO box infrequently, and even then I just pile up the mail and look at it once a week. Sometimes I throw it in a stack and don't get to it for months.

On this rainy weekend I started excavating through my studio and found several long forgotten documents dating back to the Stone Age. This included a SASE from one of my all time favorite artists, Maximum Traffic.

So, here's to you, Max. My buddy Charlie helped me stuff the envelope.

This issue of Morty Comix is a bit unusual. Many of the 5 x 3 in. versions are made of old discarded Gaylord circulation cards with WLN labels, originating from South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia, Washington.
But a few of them, like Morty Comix # 2478, are drawn on the reverse of discarded shelflist cards that were used as a springboard for recataloging, also from the WLN era.

I miss WLN. It was a great organization and the contribution to the field of librarianship in the Pacific Northwest has not been matched since their demise over a decade ago.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Favorite Movie Quotes: City of Angels

A library user in 1998 navigating through the online catalog: "What happened to the cards? You could touch the cards!"

And really, believe me, that was the most exciting line in this bit of cinema art.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Phone photo 14

A relic of linear thinking.

And here Steven holds up his hands about a foot away from his face and says with a bittersweet tone, "These fingers have filed thousands of card catalog cards!"

So then, you wonder, what is the relic? The card file, or Steven?