Showing posts with label Headgear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Headgear. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mini-Comics Day in McCleary, pt. 13

Although I was granted administrator power on the official Mini-Comics day website, when it comes to employing graphics on WordPress I am really inept. Thanks to Steven Stwalley for telling the McCleary story on that venue.

Another obscure link to our corner of the world up here in the Great Pacific Northwest was provided by Jim Gill, who led us to Colin Upton's effort on Mini-Comics Day.

The cover here is from Jim's Headgear, a truly impressive piece of work created in a short time with no pencils. And he modestly and quietly made this thing while visiting and telling stories in a casual manner. A cartoonist class act.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mini-Comics Day in McCleary, pt. 4

Jim Gill drew this without any pencils, just directly on paper in fairly quick order. Amazing.