Showing posts with label Communism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communism. Show all posts

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Woodrow Wilson Song

Woodrow Wilson
Was a bit of a prick.
Up his butt
Was a great big stick.
And not the kind 
That Teddy liked to carry.
It was a rod of righteousness
And frankly pretty scarey.

On the one hand
He was racist
On the other hand
After the Great War
His hunt for Reds
Was too Excessive.

He fought
For the League of Nations.
He had a stroke.
He got a "F"
in Political relations.
And his spirit

Maybe if he hadn't
Been such a goody-goody,
More people
Would've been his friend
And hailed him
As "Woody."

Friday, May 3, 2013

Morty Comix # 2565

Morty Comix # 2565 took advantage of a flaw in an information kiosk on the Interstate 5 exit for Winlock, Washington. One of the metal display sheets had a "wow" in it, just inviting a Morty Comix to jump in there, where I suspect it will remain for years.

I imagine on a totally clear day, which we don't really have too many of here in Bezango, WA, this site offers a great vantage point for viewing what is left of Mt. St. Helens.

Hard to believe, but Winlock was actually a hotspot for Communist activity back in the 1920s-1930s.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Musical Chairs

First published in March 1999, 50 copies (8 pink cover, red guts; 3 pink cover, yellow guts; 1 all pink; 6 yellow cover, pink guts; 12 all yellow; 2 green cover, blue guts; 5 green cover, yellow guts; 1 green cover, pink guts; 12 green cover, red guts).

The 1st Danger Room Reprint Ed. (June 2005) had a run of five copies, yellow covers.

This is pretty much a true story. "Big Poppa Ross" was, of course, Ed "Big Daddy" Roth (1932-2001), the brains behind Rat Fink, hot rod comics, and grotesque cartooning for a generation of us Boomers. He influenced many subsequent cartoonists, and helped lay the groundwork for the later underground comix. One of the Newavers who continued Roth's style was a nice guy named Steve Fiorilla (1961-2009), although many others owe Roth as well for bits of their presentation. Including me. Hence the O-The-Irony-Of-It-All!

When I heard Roth had converted to the LDS faith and expressed disapproval of Morty the Dog, the karma of the whole thing made me laugh. Then I drew a comic about it. You can't make this stuff up.

And yes, our teacher really tried to sell us that load of garbage about pale Commies in NYC skyscrapers.
