Showing posts with label Connecticut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Connecticut. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Comix Files: Mark Abrams

Mark Abrams, who was a student at Wesleyan University in Connecticut when he sent me a letter in January 1995, included this illustration on the back of the envelope.

I believe this is same Mr. Abrams who is now a designer of book covers.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

State of Beings #7: Connecticut

Originally provided for your viewing pleasure with City Limits Gazette # Kitty McAdoodledoo (Feb. 1992).

If isn't porcupines it's those darn floating baby heads again! Also that ever-present song about underpants that keeps surfacing in these comix. Sheesh. And the fork in the head too! A lot of perpetual iconic images from my comix rolled into one little story. What does it all mean, anyway?

At least that underpants song is brief. Heh-heh. Get it? Underpants? Brief? Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.