Showing posts with label Vietnam War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vietnam War. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Lyndon Baines Johnson Song

No President ever did more for civil rights
Than Lyndon Baines Johnson

No President ever did more for education
Than Lyndon Baines Johnson

No President ever did more in fighting poverty
Than Lyndon Baines Johnson

No President ever did more in promoting space exploration
Than Lyndon Baines Johnson

But it was the way he conducted the Vietnam War
That became his divided legacy

What a waste

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Morty Comix # 2445

Morty Comix # 2445 was dropped into the mail slot of a long vacant storefront on Oly's Westside where a pizza place used to be.

Actually two different pizza places were there from the 1970s-2000s. Lots of good memories in both.

I think it was in this place I heard a good McGovern/Nixon story. Since George is in his last days I think it is appropriate to relay this tale.

Around 1976 a bunch of us guys taking a Constitutional law class at The Evergreen State College went here to share a pizza and beer. One among us was Vietnam War vet who was badly wounded on a gunboat, patched up, and then sent back to the U.S. for noncombat duty. He said he was then assigned to the White House.

According to this fellow, he stood at attention in a room where President Nixon came most evenings and studied papers. The President always wore glasses and had a beer with him as he did so. After a month of basically being ignored by Nixon, the Commander in Chief suddenly looked up at the soldier and asked, "Who did you vote for in the last election, son?"

"McGovern, SIR!" was the reply.

And the next day he was given a new assignment.

Goodbye George, and thank you.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Buttons - Presidential Campaign - 1972

 Remember Oct. 9

For more buttons, Ms. Anderson, Clergy & Laity Concerned, (402) 426-4006, $25.00/M

This was a button distributed by the McGovern campaign. The reference was to a statement supposedly made by Richard Nixon, Oct. 9, 1968, when he was campaigning for President. Now this is only from my memory, but the quote was something like: "Those who have had a chance for four years and could not produce peace should not be given another chance." At the time Nixon uttered this he was aiming at LBJ's Vice-President and 1968 Dem. nominee, Hubert Humphrey. In 1972 this button attempted to remind voters of how Nixon had not only failed to end the Vietnam War, but actually escalated it.