Saturday, April 23, 2011

Random Images, Pt. 1

Before my computer crashed in December 2009, Sarah had fortunately been backing up the images I was storing. Here are some of the graphics I found on the Internet and saved. In most cases I cannot remember the online source of the illustrations.

Joe Zabel

Chris Bors

Bruce Chrislip

Steve Charak

Bruce Chrislip

Phone photo 385

The Helium-Filled Watermelon

Montesano, Washington

Morty Comix # 2269

Drawn on sticky pads in Yakima, Washington

Posted on a bulletin board of an abandoned gas station minimart

McCleary, Washington

Phone photo 384

The Helium-Filled Onion

Montesano, Washington

Friday, April 22, 2011

What's My Line?

What's My Line? was another online-only comic series I drew for OlyBlog. There were 17 installments from Nov. 29, 2008 to Jan. 31, 2009.

I asked several OlyBlog contributors to draw a line on a paper, then the challenge was for me to make something out of it. Like the UML series, dogs smoking cigarettes was a theme. Take a trip to OlyBlog to read the text and contributors.

One set is missing from OlyBlog, so I'll see if I can find it in hardcopy around here.

Phone photo 383

The Helium-Filled Potato

Montesano, Washington

Morty Comix # 2268

Drawn on sticky pads in Yakima, Washington

Left in the McCleary, Washington Post Office

Phone photo 382

Don't Be Lazy

Olympia, Washington

Phone photo 381

Not the preferred nomenclature

Elma, Washington