Friday, November 4, 2011

Phone photo 873

The wooden bear on top of McCleary City Hall, carved out with a chain saw 50 years ago. The bear is known by several names, including "Timbear" and "Smiley." I had a chance to see this thing close up in the mid-1990s while promoting a documentary on the McCleary Bear Festival.

I now realize this sculpture no doubt contributed to the creation of the Tulpa minicomic in 1990.

Phone photo 872

A political sign during this election season advocating transparency in government
McCleary, Washington

Phone photo 871

Phone photo 870

Phone photo 869

Phone photo 868

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Phone photo 867

Phone photo 866

Phone photo 865

Just one soldier in the Army of Slugs that occupy my yard

This should be the official mascot for Washington West of the Cascades. Check out the "Sluggy" game on page 12 of Mukey the Mutant Membrane, or the "Jobbo and Bonobo" story in OlyBlog.

Phone photo 864

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Phone photo 861

On the left, my paternal grandparents born 1887 and 1890, portraits drawn into wood by Mary Ann Bigelow about 25 years ago. The ports were taken from a photo taken around 1906-1907. Londy and Calla were products of the border region of Kentucky/Virginia.

The chalk portrait is me at the Seattle World's Fair ca. 1962.

All three of us were destined to spend most of our lives in the 20th century (unless I live into my 90s). I only overlapped in time with my grandmother for a few years, but long enough for her to be branded into my memory.

Phone photo 860

Chad Woody on NPR Website

Our own Chad Woody has a short story, "Sleep Lessons," on National Public Radio's website!

Phone photo 859

Phone photo 858

Olympia, Washington