Sunday, November 27, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

$25 Sale - Little Snowjob

Little Snowjob, 1st edition, 1986, with a printrun of only 40 copies! Jam with Marc Myers, 1 folded sheet, blue letter size folded to 11 x 7 cm. Very rare.

$25 ppd
Check or money order to
Steve Willis
PO Box 390
McCleary, WA 98557-0390

or order through PayPal

Phone photo 950

Phone photo 949

"Clark's Tree," a bronze sculpture by Stanley Wanlass on display in the dunes at Long Beach, Washington. The tree has an inscription bearing a replica of a carved message from Clark (of Lewis and) in 1805 when he ventured this far north on the coast.

This sculpture is so lifelike I had to get pretty close before I figured out the thing was metal.


Just stumbled across the OlyGhostBusters website. The focus is on the "Lady in White," the ghost who is alleged to roam the campus of South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia, Washington. The site reprints my "Ghosts and Love" article from Olympia Power and Light March 24-April 6, 2010 and includes a brief interview which was via email, as I recall.

Phone photo 948

Dunegrass at sunrise
Long Beach, Washington

Quote of the Day

"Got ... got to ... make it ..."

Tacoma, Washington State native Bruce Bennett (who lived to be 100 years old), talking to himself while crawling through the desert in Sahara (1943) in the role of Waco Hoyt.

Phone photo 947

Clam constellation

Friday, November 25, 2011

Phone photo 946

Long Beach, Washington

Phone photo 945

Sunrise over the dunes
Long Beach, Washington

$25 Sale - Newave!

Newave! the Underground Mini Comix of the 1980s / edited by Michael Dowers.
Fantagraphics, 2010.

Around 900 pages of alternative obscuro comix from the Prehistoric era by Newave's greatest cartoonists, as well as some interviews and historical background. I'll include a signed drawing inside the cover.

$25 ppd
Check or money order to
Steve Willis
PO Box 390
McCleary, WA 98557-0390

or order through PayPal

Phone photo 944

Presidential Connecting Thread in Photographs

2012 is around the corner and the Iowa caucus will be the official introductory calliope music for our quadrennial national circus known as the Presidential Election. Here's a thread of connecting photographs of our US CEOs for over a century.
24. Grover Cleveland ; 25. William McKinley

25. William McKinley ; 26. Theodore Roosevelt

26. Theodore Roosevelt ; 27. William Howard Taft

28. Woodrow Wilson ; 27. William Howard Taft

28. Woodrow Wilson ; 29. Warren Harding

29. Warren Harding ; 30. Calvin Coolidge

30. Calvin Coolidge ; 31. Herbert Hoover

31. Herbert Hoover ; 32. Franklin Roosevelt

33. Harry Truman ; 32. Franklin Roosevelt

35. John Kennedy ; 36. Lyndon Johnson ; 33. Harry Truman ; 34. Dwight Eisenhower

37. Richard Nixon ; 36. Lyndon Johnson

41. George H.W. Bush ; 40. Ronald Reagan ; 39. Jimmy Carter ;
38. Gerald Ford ; 37. Richard Nixon

41. George H.W. Bush ; 44. Barack Obama ; 43. George W. Bush ; 42. Bill Clinton

Phone photo 943

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Phone photo 934

Phone photo 933

Our Own Arab Spring: UC Davis

What is really chilling about this video is how nonchalant the officer appears to be as he pepper sprays peaceful demonstrators. Almost as if he is simply watering the flower garden, but as Sarah pointed out he is actually watering the garden that will grow the seeds of radical change as normal Americans are utterly horrified. Those are our children on the frontlines.

This is wrong. This is unAmerican.

For what it's worth, we've seen this before. The system is broken and needs an overhaul. And no amount of pepper spray is going to prevent that from happening.

Phone photo 932

Long Beach, Washington

Phone photo 931

Oysterville, Washington

The marker reads:

Pacific County was the third county in Washington Territory, and Oysterville served as county seat from 1855 to 1893. In 1875, taxpayers built a courthouse and jail at this location and it served for all county business until “South Bend Raiders” came here on Sunday morning, Feb. 5, 1893, and carried away the records. This first county owned building then served for two years as the Peninsula College.

The school was also known as Peninsular College, directed by August Bernhardt Louis Gellerman, who later ran for Washington State Governor as a candidate for the Prohibition Party in 1916. The actual building blew down in a storm in 1940.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Phone photo 930

Oysterville, Washington

Phone photo 929

A road paved with oyster shells, Oysterville, Washington

Reminds me of that old saying, "The road to good intentions is paved by not being shellfish about your good intentions" ... er, or something like that. Perhaps I got it wrong.

Phone photo 928

Willapa Bay as seen from Oysterville, Washington