Friday, May 4, 2012

Favorite Movie Quotes: Peter the Great

"Don't mock them, Alexander. Love in any form is rare enough." 

[Reviewed in Cheaper by the Dozen 3]

Phone photo 1463


Favorite Movie Quotes: Patton

"Rommel, you magnificent bastard, I READ YOUR BOOK!!"

Phone photo 1462

Tumwater, Washington

Favorite Movie Quotes: Patterns

"I'm wondering if you're as good a human being as you are an industrial relations man."

[Reviewed in Cheaper by the Dozen 21]

Phone photo 1461

Tumwater, Washington

Favorite Movie Quotes: Patriot Games

"There's laying about and laying low. There's a difference."

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Phone photo 1460

Favorite Movie Quotes: Paris, Texas

"You will all be caught with your diapers down! That is a promise! I make you this promise on my mother's head! For right here, today, standing on the very head of my mother, which is our God Green Earth, which everybody who wasn't born in a fucking sewer ought to know and understand to the very marrow of their bones! They will invade you in your beds! They will snap you from your hot tubs! They will pluck you right out of your fancy sports cars! There is nowhere! Absolutely nowhere in this Godforsaken valley! I'm talking about from the range of my voice right here, clear out to the Goddamn Mojave Desert and beyond that! Clear out past Barstow and everywhere else in the valley all the way to Arizona! None of that area will be called a Safety Zone! There will be no Safety Zone!  I can guarantee you the Safety Zone will be eliminated! Eradicated! You will all be extradited to the Land of No Return! It's a navigation to Nowhere! And if you think that's going to be fun, you've got another think coming! I may be a slimebucket but believe me, I know what the Hell I'm talking about! I'm not crazy! And don't say I didn't warn you! I warned you! I warned all of you!"

[Reviewed in Cheaper by the Dozen 50]

Phone photo 1459

Favorite Movie Quotes: The Package

"This your wallet?"

Phone photo 1458

Wood split for me by my brother Bryan and nephew Zach. It is some kind of hardwood I cannot identify.

Favorite Movie Quotes: One-Eyed Jacks

"You may be a one-eyed jack around here, but I've seen the other side of your face." 

A very offbeat Western, much like the other Brando appearance in this genre, Missouri Breaks.

Brando was a ham. But he was a very good ham. I miss him.

Phone photo 1457

Cherry blossoms drooping from the weight of abundant Grays Harbor County rainwater direct from the Pacific Ocean

Favorite Movie Quotes: Ocean's Eleven (2001)

"I'm gonna get out of the car and drop you like third period French."

Phone photo 1456

The Fab Four at their stations
They are enthusiastic bird watchers

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Favorite Movie Quotes: Ocean's 11 (1960)

"Easy for you to look down on people, isn't it? All this, ever since you was a baby. You ever make a buck yourself?"

[Reviewed in Cheaper by the Dozen 54]

Phone photo 1455

The Fab Four

Super Villain Rex Velvet Compilation

Favorite Movie Quotes: O Brother, Where Art Thou

"It's a fool that looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart."

[Reviewed in Cheaper by the Dozen 24]

Phone photo 1454

Olympia, Washington

This WWI memorial is in the center of the Washington State capitol campus. In the background you can see the Insurance Building on the left and the dome of the Legislative Building on the right.

When my Mom was a young adult, ca. 1950, she was hoisted up the front of this pedestal and into the group of figures in the sculpture. Needless to say it was very late at night.

I shook hands with Gov. Rosellini, ca. 1960, as he stood in front of the state seal at the base and hosted the annual Easter egg hunt.

This phone photo was taken shortly after sunrise.

Favorite Movie Quotes: Nurse Betty

"I'm a garbage man of the human condition."

Phone photo 1453

Olympia, Washington

Favorite Movie Quotes: The Grapes of Wrath

"Well, maybe it's like Casy says. A fellow ain't got a soul of his own, just little piece of a big soul, the one big soul that belongs to everybody."

Phone photo 1452

Morels, I think

Tumwater, Washington

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Seattle's New Supervillain

As some of you might know, Seattle has several real-life superheroes, including Phoenix Jones, who was active in protecting Truth, Justice, and the American Way in today's May Day violence.

Well, apparently Seattle now also has a supervillain: Rex Velvet. Morty the Blog's founder, Sarah, told me on the phone this evil genius is now running amok and she sent me this link.

I see Rex Velvet is using the required purple and green colors associated with supervillains. I say, more power to him! The bad guys are always much more interesting than the heroes in comic book land and I am so happy this little drama is taking place here in Washington State! I love living here! 

Washington, My Home!

Phone photo 1451

Meeting Notes, April/May 2012

Phone photo 1450

Favorite Movie Quotes: À nous la liberté

"You must never think of marrying when you were born to live on the road while awaiting the wisdom age may bring. Think of love as a mere episode. That's our fate, old mate."

[Reviewed in Cheaper by the Dozen 62]