Friday, February 14, 2014

The Comix Files: Absinto

Absinto was a cartoonist from Cacém, Portugal. "Absinto" apparently means "absinthe" in Portuguese.

In 1996 this cartoonist sent me a nice letter with a ton of comix material. Some of the contents are shared here:

Souvenir of Love

Here's an appropriate bit of sheet music for St. Valentines Day! Published in 1924, cover illustrator is not credited.

I've never liked using shading film and would rather employ direct line drawing to create texture and contrast, as this artist did 90 years ago.

The Shrills Sing Bacharach

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Comix Files: Mark Abrams

Mark Abrams, who was a student at Wesleyan University in Connecticut when he sent me a letter in January 1995, included this illustration on the back of the envelope.

I believe this is same Mr. Abrams who is now a designer of book covers.

Favorite Movie Quotes: Blown Away

"Would you look at this spread now! Why is it that a man always gets thrown his best party when he dies"

Home Sweet Home Lullaby

George W. Drew (1875-1968), known more as a landscape painter than as a print illustrator, created the image used on the cover of this sheet music, published in 1921.

Les Surfs Sing Bacharach

Phone photo 3167

Elma, Washington

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I Wonder What's Become of Sally

Looks like this piece of 1924 sheet music was passed around a bit, with each owner leaving their autograph.

I'm struck by how often the ukulele is mentioned in these. Cover art was by Malcolm Perret.

Rosanna Sings Bacharach

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014

In the Still of the Night

Copyright 1937, but printed ca. 1948.

Cal Tjader Plays Bacharach

Help Build a New Comix Zine!

Bruce Chrislip, Colin Upton, Blake Werts
SPACE 2011, Columbus, Ohio

Our friend Blake Werts has either lost his mind or is a visionary (I'm going with the latter, but he might wind up in the former after a year or two of this project!). 

Please take a look at this news release and give Blake some feedback. I have already contributed an essay for the first issue:

 January 18, 2014

Charlotte, NC

Greetings mini comix fan,

It all started when I made a half-joking proclamation to Dan W. Taylor, "We
should start a mini comix news zine!" Dan wasted no time responding, more or
less, with "Blake, that sounds like a great thing for YOU to do.." Fast
forward a few years and I still have the itch. This idea was mentioned in an
email exchange with Richard Krauss, and next thing I know I was getting both
words of encouragement and lots of great suggestions on how we could make it
happen. Would it be possible to recapture some of the "paperNet" of years
past? I won't be so bold as to say we'll rebuild the sizable networks that
congregated around Clay Geerdes' "Comix World/Comix Wave" or Bruce Chrislip
and Steve Willis' "City Limits Gazette," but I'm excited to give it a try.
All I need is a little help from you..

Below you'll find a few questions to gather current information. It will be
compiled and published in our first few issues. Then, as you create new
material, or have updates that you'd like to share with the community, just
let us know and we'll help spread the word. Also planned are interviews,
biographies, histories, artwork, and maybe a few surprises from Steve

Please help us get this started by answering the enclosed questionnaire and
returning it to me as soon as you get a chance. Of course, you can email
your responses to me at if you'd rather.

Much appreciated!

D. Blake Werts
12339 Chesley Drive
Charlotte, NC 28277

Please answer and mail/respond to:

        D. Blake Werts

        12339 Chesley Drive

        Charlotte, NC 28277

1. What's happening? Are you currently active in cartooning or any other
creative endeavors?

2. Do you have any new comix or zines available? If so, what are the details
(size, page count, cost)?

3. Do you have any older comix or zines available? If so, what are the
details (size, page count, cost)?

4. Will you consider trades?

5. Best way to contact you? Postal mailing address? Email address?

6. Besides this newsletter, how can readers keep up with your work? Are you
are active online?

7. What would you like to see in a newsletter / zine about mini comix?

8. Any announcements you'd like to make?

9. Would you be willing to contribute a spot cartoon or cover artwork for an

10. Any other mini comikers we should contact?
