Sunday, June 16, 2019

Olympia Comics Festival 2019

As you can see my little 20th century Toyota Corolla was filled with so many Morty Comix that I consider it a major victory that I made it to Olympia without being pulled over. Driving on the back streets helped.

Those white bags in the center, next to Max Clotfelter, was my table. In all between the expo portion and handing them out at the wedding, I gave away about 250 Morty Comix.

With this project finished I will be moving on to to truly diabolical art scheme, also using Morty Comix. 

I'll keep this blog up for another week or two, then it returns to hibernation where only a few trivia hunters in the Diogenes Club come to occasionally visit. If you are comix historian and still want to have access to this blog let me know and that can be arranged.

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