Showing posts with label The Evergreen State College. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Evergreen State College. Show all posts

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013

Morty Comix # 2495

Morty Comix # 2495 was fed to a couch in the lobby of the Library building at The Evergreen State College.

This room used to have a grand staircase that cascaded down from the west wall when I was student at TESC. You can see where the stairs landed on the floor by the discolored bricks.

This room was where I watched the dedication ceremony for Evergreen over 40 years ago.

It was the room where we as an Evergreen community in 1979 collectively bid farewell to our beloved friend and teacher, Willi Unsoeld.

This is the place I heard Gov. Booth Gardner reveal how much he admired rich pioneers and ignored the common folk. I know Booth is in a bad way these days, and I like him a lot as a person, but he was no Democrat. He always governed against the working man. In the Lockheed lockout he sided with Big Money instead of the workers. Gov. Gardner's record with labor was horrible.

Jane Fonda gave an "art presentation" here in 1975.

I recall coming out here and watching this building being constructed. 

And there are many more memories associated at this place.

Being out here today reminds me, before I made Morty Comix my art bombs in Century 21, I actually started this practice at TESC in the 1970s. I drew a whole bunch of comix on sticky address labels and stuck them around campus, plus I drew odd posters and taped or tacked them around this place, and I also left several comix hidden in my apartment near school as I vacated the premises. So this genre of art distribution has a history here.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Bezango WA Interview with Ron Austin

The TESC blog, The Evergreen Mind recently posted a nice interview with filmmaker Ron Austin about the Bezango WA documentary.

Also included in the post is the entire panel discussion (apparently) starring Matt Groening, Craig Bartlett, Drew Christie, Tommy Thompson, Megan Kelso, Ruth Hayes and yours truly from last May!

Thanks to Louise Amandes for directing me to this great blog.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Buttons - Schools - 2012

The Evergreen State College

Handed out at TESC's 40th reunion bash last spring, which included a cartoonists panel

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Buttons - Schools - 1986

Alive and Growing

If my memory serves correctly, this button was issued on the occasion of Evergroove's 15th anniversary since opening in 1971.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Morty Comix # 2445

Morty Comix # 2445 was dropped into the mail slot of a long vacant storefront on Oly's Westside where a pizza place used to be.

Actually two different pizza places were there from the 1970s-2000s. Lots of good memories in both.

I think it was in this place I heard a good McGovern/Nixon story. Since George is in his last days I think it is appropriate to relay this tale.

Around 1976 a bunch of us guys taking a Constitutional law class at The Evergreen State College went here to share a pizza and beer. One among us was Vietnam War vet who was badly wounded on a gunboat, patched up, and then sent back to the U.S. for noncombat duty. He said he was then assigned to the White House.

According to this fellow, he stood at attention in a room where President Nixon came most evenings and studied papers. The President always wore glasses and had a beer with him as he did so. After a month of basically being ignored by Nixon, the Commander in Chief suddenly looked up at the soldier and asked, "Who did you vote for in the last election, son?"

"McGovern, SIR!" was the reply.

And the next day he was given a new assignment.

Goodbye George, and thank you.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Phone photo 1978

The Evergreen State College
Olympia, Washington

Phone photo 1977

The Evergreen State College
Olympia, Washington

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Buttons - State Campaign - 1968

Dan Evans

I found this button on the ground when Washington State Gov. Evans was running for his second term in 1968.

Comic art historians might be interested to know Gov. Evans, along with State Sen. Gordon Sandison, was an important figure in the creation of The Evergreen State College. TESC is now known as a hotbed of cartoonists. When Gov. Evans stepped down after serving an unprecedented consecutive three terms as Governor, he became the President of Evergreen and it was viewed as a very controversial move at the time.  

The editor of the school paper, The Cooper Point Journal, during this turmoil was none other than Matt Groening. And here's a bit of Matt trivia. He's not only a great cartoonist, he's also a great journalist. He could've been an amazing investigative reporter, but as it happened his talents were used to better advantage.

Here's yet another bit of trivia. The Evans administration actually employed me ca. 1976 to conduct phone polling. I got paid per each completed survey. It was a night job conducted by college students mostly. This gig was very educational for me in that I heard the vox populi unfiltered.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Slice of Return to Evergreen

The Evergreen State College put together this 3-minute summary of the Return to Evergreen 40th Anniversary of the school.  Watch for Matt Groening and yours truly just after the first minute.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Olympia Comics Festival 2012, pt. 5

How can you not love the Olympia Comics Collective? Why, I bet they'd even let me join if I wanted to, and I am a professional non-joiner. I like their creative energy.


It was nice to meet Charlie Daugherty again. He's a fellow Evergroove alum. Keep your eye on this guy.

With the advent of Project ELF, having an Eight and Half by Fourteen Comics would be very expensive

Friday, May 25, 2012

Morty Comix # 2362

Morty Comix # 2362 was placed inside an issue of the Weekly Volcano, in the page featuring an article about the Evergroove cartoonists. This was in a restaurant in Tumwater serving Asian cuisine.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Morty Comix # 2361

Morty Comix # 2361 was part of a packet of Morty Comix that fell out of my pocket at The Evergreen State College, so even I don't know where they landed! I was intending on planting them in various places, but this is an accidental but great way of random distribution, a happy twist of Fate.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Morty Comix # 2360

Morty Comix # 2360 was part of a packet of Morty Comix that fell out of my pocket at The Evergreen State College, so even I don't know where they landed! I was intending on planting them in various places, but this is an accidental but great way of random distribution, a happy twist of Fate.

CPJ Photos of the TESC Cartoonists Seminar

 Seated left to right: Matt Groening, Craig Bartlett, Drew Christie, Tommy Thompson, Megan Kelso, Steve Willis, Ruth Hayes

See this and other photos by Kelli Tokos at:

Morty Comix # 2359

Morty Comix # 2359 was part of a packet of Morty Comix that fell out of my pocket at The Evergreen State College, so even I don't know where they landed! I was intending on planting them in various places, but this is an accidental but great way of random distribution, a happy twist of Fate.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Morty Comix # 2358

Morty Comix # 2358 was part of a packet of Morty Comix that fell out of my pocket at The Evergreen State College, so even I don't know where they landed! I was intending on planting them in various places, but this is an accidental but great way of random distribution, a happy twist of Fate.