Sunday, March 31, 2013

Morty Comix # 2550

Morty Comix # 2550 is going to Florida. A Morty the Blog reader sent me a SASE with the above note.

The thought crosses my mind that those of you who were raised in the email era might not know the acronym-- SASE means Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope and was a regular part of our pre-Internet vocabulary in the Newave Comix era.

Anyway, I'll the keep the identity of this individual anonymous for the time being, since I know this person to be a fellow lover of mischief and I don't want to spoil whatever surprise he has in mind.

The envelope now waits by the door for my next trip to the Post Office.

1 comment:

  1. You better watch out with those crazies from Flori-duh. Also, I would suggest expectations be kept in check, and don't anticipate much, especially from those SoFlo types.


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