Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Morty Comix # 2456

Morty Comix # 2456 was left on the McCleary Post Office bulletin board

My contribution to the local public discourse

Phone photo 2039

Olympia, Washington

Buttons - Events - 1995

McCleary Bear Festival
July 7-8-9, 1995

On the curl: Grays Harbor Stamp Works, Aberdeen, Wash.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Phone photo 2038

Temple of Justice

Yes, that is what it is really called

Temple of Justice 

Sort of weird if you think about it. A State building called a "Temple."

Olympia, Washington

Morty Comix # 2455

Somehow the 4 pages of Morty Comix # 2455 escaped scanning, but I did record the distribution point. I was waiting for my to-go pizza at a joint in Oly's Westside, and stuffed the little guy into the waiting booth bench cushions.

Phone photo 2037

Buttons - Events - 1994

McCleary Bear Festival
World Famous Bear Stew
July 8-9-10, 1994

On the curl: G.H. Stamp Works Aberdeen, Wash.

Phone photo 2036

McCleary, Washington

Favorite Movie Quotes: The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell

"You've asked to me state that I am unfit to remain in the Army because I have incurred the hostility of my superior officers. I can't admit that. And I won't. I've been wearing the uniform of the United States Army most of my adult life. I've worn it with pride. But, if being a good soldier is your kind of good soldier of being unable to think for himself or say what he thinks, of being narrow and blind and insensible to a higher duty, you can have the uniform and all that goes with it. If trying to do something for your country, if fighting to correct injustice is being a bad soldier then I'm glad I'm a bad soldier. This issue goes far beyond being a good soldier and his sense of the word. It goes beyond blind obedience. It depends on a man's faith, in his knowledge of what is right. If being a good soldier is submitting, dumbly and passively to injustice, indecision, and complacency then I'm, I'm glad I'm a bad one."

Phone photo 2035

Morty Comix # 2454

Morty Comix # 2454 was left under a bench cushion in a state building.

Phone photo 2034

Ruby Beach

Buttons - Events - 1992

McCleary Bear Festival
World Famous Bear Stew
July 17-18-19, 1992

On the curl: G.H. Stamp Works, Aberdeen, Wash.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Phone photo 2033

Ruby Beach

Favorite Movie Quotes: The Cheap Detective

"Let me ask you, do you still go dancin' in that smokey little club where the men and women use the same john?"

Phone photo 2032

Ruby Beach, Destruction Island

Morty Comix # 2453

Morty Comix # 2453 was tacked up to a very crowded bulletin board at a food co-op on the Westside of Olympia, Washington.

Phone photo 2031

Ruby Beach

Buttons - Events - 1991

McCleary Bear Festival
World Famous Bear Stew
July 19-20-21, 1991

On the curl: G.H. Stamp Works, Aberdeen, Wash.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed this, but isn't it sort of unsettling seeing a bear in a chef hat stirring BEAR STEW!? Is he a traitor to his own kind, or, is the stew waiting for him to jump in? Either way, it is quite chilling.

Phone photo 2030

Ruby Beach, Destruction Island

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Things That Bother Buster

Buster is the alpha cat in my house, 12 years old, but he is a sensitive fellow.

 He doesn't like the vacuum cleaner

Or when I wear hats

Or if plastic bags are used for anything. The very sound of them being employed offends him. Unfortunately for Buster, I use them every day to clean out the litter boxes.

It goes without saying he hates visitors. I had to move the "Welcome" sign to the back yard.

 He really hates it when I sing or dance.
But then again, so do most people.

The meter reader drove Buster crazy, but they have since modernized to the point where they don't have to step into his domain in order to record the data.


 Going to the Vet is not one of Buster's favorite activities.

Fleas. And getting them to the point where you have be shaved to be treated for an allergy is not fun.

Also, Buster does not like dogs, raccoons, skunks, porcupines or possums. All of them have visited my yard.

If he hears you using the can opener in the kitchen, and it turns out you are opening a can of diced pears instead of tuna fish, he gets cross. He really hates that.

Phone photo 2029

The rock looked like a nose, so I built a face around it
Ruby Beach

You Are In Our Thoughts

To our East Coast brothers and sisters we extend our thoughts and prayers for your safe delivery through Frankenstorm. To our Pacific Northwest comrades up north in British Columbia, we hope you have survived the 7.7 earthquake and the afterquakes.  North America is undergoing a character test by Mother Nature this week. And to our fellow Americans in Hawaii, hope you don't suffer too much from the BC tsumani.

And jeez, there is still an election we have to experience.

Phone photo 2028

Ruby Beach, Washington

Favorite Movie Quotes: Bleu = Blue

"Can you lend me your cat?"

Phone photo 2027

Ruby Beach, Washington

Morty Comix # 2452

Morty Comix # 2452 was exhibited in an exterior alcove of a museum in Tacoma, Washington