Friday, March 4, 2011

Stevetreads # 4

1st edition, 1988. Chico, California : Jeff Nicholson. White cover, regular digest size.

Jeff's final issue of this series. But, as we shall see soon, Stevetreads was sort of a draft for a bigger project he published a little later.

The jam with Seattle author Edd Vick, I think, is the only artwork here that has not previously been posted on this blog. We drew it during one of his visits to McCleary and he later published it in his Fantoons. Edd is a thoughtful and gentle person, and a wonderful conversationalist as both guest and host.

Phone film 5

My office in the morning

Phone photo 306

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stevetreads # 3

1st edition, 1987. Chico, California : Jeff Nicholson. White cover, regular digest size.

The number of copies for the 3rd and 4th issues of this series isn't recorded in my list, but I would assume the count is low since the first two issues had a grand total of 3 copies per issue.

The name Stevetreads was a play on my Retreads title, a series devoted to reprinting items printed hither and yon into one collection (I smile as I recall Ted Bolman wanted to start yet another play on this called ReTeds, which I hope he did). Several of the pieces Jeff reprinted were actually reprints of reprints. But in this issue there was something different. Half the book was filled with new work.

Jeff had acquired several pages of unpublished jam comix between Dale Luciano and myself. This was the in-print debut for the cover art and all work from the "Memories" page to the end. These were later reprinted in 1994 in Dada Gumbo Morty.

Phone film 4

Car Wash

Phone photo 305

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stevetreads # 2

1st ed., 1987, Chico, California : Jeff Nicholson. 3 copies, regular digest size.

Jeff seems to have edited this one with a local Washington State theme.

I see the geoduck, mascot of The Evergreen State College, not only recently made the "9 worst college nicknames" list but is now a highly coveted by the Chinese mafia.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Phone photo 304

Phone film 3

The commute home

Phone film 2

The commute to work

Stevetreads # 1

1st edition, 1987, Chico, California : Jeff Nicholson. 3 copies, regular digest size.

That's right, only 3 copies.

The hopefully-not-really-retired-from-comix-for-life cartoonist Jeff Nicholson, creator of Ultra Klutz, Through the Habitrails, Colonia, and Father and Son published a 4-issue short run of this "bootleg" Stevetreads series to fill out his own collection.

I believe everything in this first issue has already been scanned and posted here in various places.

We'll be seeing quite a bit of Jeff's work down the road when I reach the part of the backlog containing our Ultra Klutz jam.

Hmm, I see a cat hair got into the scan of the final page. That makes it a cat scan, right? I guess I should've stopped the machine by hitting the paws button. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

Phone photo 303