Monday, May 27, 2013

Phone photo 2506

Buster in the back yard

Public, Subscription and Academic Libraries in Washington Territory, 1853-1889.

This paper was hammered out on a manual typewriter before the Internet existed. It was probably produced for some class at the UW, but I cannot recall the details. This document currently resides in the McCleary Museum files.

Phone photo 2505

Nadine endures an inspection by the boys

Postcard - Seattle, Washington

"Space Needle and Mount Baker. Portions of the Seattle Center, Lake Union and the Monorail are seen in this dramatic photo of the World Famous Space Needle built in 1961 at a cost of $4 1/2 million dollars. The 600 feet high restaurant revolved in a 360 degree circle each hour permitting the diner to view the wonders of the Puget Sound country in comfort and luxury. No visitor will want to miss this experience."


Phone photo 2504

Favorite Movie Quotes: Tribute

"Hell, I loved being a writer, I just hated writing."

Phone photo 2503

Centralia, Washington

Morty Comix # 2575

Morty Comix # 2575 was placed behind a display at a sandwich shop in Centralia, Washington

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Phone photo 2502

Lacey, Washington

Postcard - Seattle, Washington

"Seattle, Washington. In this aerial we see the Space Needle, most of the Seattle Center including the Coliseum, Fountain, Stadium, Exhibition Hall, and the Food Circus in the immediate foreground and in the background the new grain elevators, Elliott Bay, Magnolia District and in the distance the incomparable Olympic Mountains."

1970s. Now how many postcards do you get to see that mention the Space Needle and grain elevators in the same passage? This is a special moment.

Phone photo 2501

Favorite Movie Quotes: Them!

"We may be witnesses to a Biblical prophecy come true: 'And there shall be destruction and darkness come upon creation, and the beasts shall reign over the earth.'"

Phone photo 2500

Headstone of Nathaniel Crosby (1835-1885) and Cordelia Crosby (1839-1903), pioneers of Tumwater and grandparents of Bing Crosby.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Buzz Buzzizyk Is Now Online!

And he's trying to blame me for it! Well, if that's true, I'm glad!

Check out his website at:

Phone photo 2499

Edmund Sylvester
Sept. 20, 1887
Aged 67 Years
Founder of Olympia

Clara E.
His Wife
Buried in San Diego

Tumwater, Washington

It might be more appropriate to call Sylvester the co-founder of Olympia. The mysterious and introverted Levi Smith is frequently passed over in favor of the more politic Sylvester. Smith's burial site, wherever it is, is unmarked. 


Phone photo 2498

How to Clean Your Driveway the Cartoonist Way

It should go without saying this method was inspired by Rube Goldberg:

Here is how I clean my driveway. First, I wait until we get a lot of rain, more than usual. Then, when the middle of the carport develops a leak right over my car, Nadine, I know the the time has arrived for action.

A look at the carport roof reveals a body of water that could support some fairly good sized fish. Or a caiman.

But instead of calling the Board of Geographic Names to give this body of water an official designation, I reach in and pull the dead leaves away from the sole drainage outlet.

 Gallons of water cascade out with such force that the poor old gutter pipes can't handle it

So as a result my driveway gets a big wash, cleansing it of those cherry, plum and hawthorn blossoms.

The end.

Phone photo 2497

Entering Grays Harbor County

And that's when you pass into the Zone of Real Rain

Morty Comix # 2574

Morty Comix # 2574 was left in a bakery in Olympia.

Phone photo 2496

This photo was taken the day I decided to Go Red at the grocery store.

Postcard - Seattle, Washington

"The Downtown Seattle Business District, as seen from the south, reflects a combination of old and new buildings found in the city. The 600 foot (183 m) Space Needle can be seen in the distance."
