Friday, December 6, 2013

Phone photo 3047

McCleary, Washington

Fall turning into Winter

A Klaus Nomi Moment

Phone photo 3046

Tumwater, Washington

Long John Baldry Sings Bacharach

Phone photo 3045

Tumwater, Washington

Paul Tumey Covers Short Run

[Image from Paul's article]

Paul Tumey wrote a nice summation of Short Run 2013 for Comics Journal. A few old Newavers can be seen in this report. Lots of photos. Check it out at this LINK.

Phone photo 3044

An inflatable snowman from Hell

Aunt Eunice

Written on album sleeve: Aunt Eunice
Printed on verso: Lutges, Cor. Jefferson Ave. and Griswold St. Over Ives Bank, Detroit

Eunice E. Upham (1840-1897) married Richard Samuel Baylis (1830-1886) in 1861. She was born in Ohio but spent most of her life in Michigan.

A Klaus Nomi Moment

Edwin Starr Sings Bacharach

Thursday, December 5, 2013



Barely legible on verso: Lafe

Charles LaFayette Reeves (Aug. 18, 1862-June 4, 1939) was better known as Lafe. He was the older brother of my great grandmother, Jennie. 

Lafe accompanied his family from Michigan to Centralia, Washington Territory in 1889. He married a woman named Elizabeth (Bessie) in 1903 and they both were Christian Scientist converts. When my grandmother Leona survived the influenza epidemic in 1918 she credited Lafe with her recovery.

Lafe was a barber and I only recently learned worked just 7 miles from my home over in Elma, Washington during the early 1900s. In spite of the expression in this photo, he is remembered as a big, friendly man who was also a ventriloquist. 

Charles and Bessie had no children. We visit their graves every year and the headstones are eroding away down there in Centralia.

OK, now here's a mystery for you research wizards. Between the birth of Sidney A. Reeves (Lafe's youngest sibling) in Michigan, Mar. 28, 1872 and the year 1884 when the family is safely back in the Wolverine State but a bit further north, I cannot account for the whereabouts of the Reeves family. There are some pretty wild stories, all unconfirmed, which include George Armstrong Custer and Little Bighorn. I'll get to it eventually here. It would seem this tintype of Lafe was taken during this lost chunk of time. And he looks worn beyond his tender years. There's a good story somewhere in there.

A Klaus Nomi Moment

Johnny Mathis Sings Bacharach


Tintype of unidentified girl

A Klaus Nomi Moment

Walker Brothers Sing Bacharach

Aunt Miranda

Written in ink: Aunt Miranda
Printed: F.B. LeClear, East Main St., Head of Cooper St., Jackson, Mich.

Miranda Upham was the daughter of Alvin and Clarissa (Wheeler) Upham. Her married name was Miranda Swarthout.

A Klaus Nomi Moment

Cilla Black Sings Bacharach

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Short Run 2013

OK, so I'm the Howard Hughes of comix. Except poor.

Anyway, our old friend Jim Gill sent photos of Short Run 2013 to share. This annual comix event takes place in Seattle. I  have never been to it but a couple of conspirators are attempting to lure me to the 2014 show.

Jim's photos are on FaceBook. I am not personally on FaceBook and probably never will be, so I cannot comment on these. Here's Jim's link:

A Klaus Nomi Moment

The Art of Rube Goldberg-- more news and links!

The new book The Art of Rube Goldberg is getting some buzz and Morty the Dog stalwart reader Paul Tumey (a Goldberg and Screwball Comics scholar and a contributor to the book), sends along these links worth checking out:

'Art of Rube Goldberg' more than crazy contraptions
LA Times

The Art of Rube Goldberg Book Party
Photos by Guy Coombs

The Art of Rube Goldberg

TV Interview with Jennifer George 
(author and Rube's granddaughter)

The Art of Rube Goldberg Celebrates Chain Reactions

Rube Goldberg's marvelous machines
Boing Boing


Written on album sleeve: Sid
Written on verso: S.A. Reeves, 1891, Mrs. Theo. Hoss
Printed: T.R. Williams, Centralia, Wash.

Sidney A. Reeves was the youngest of three. He was born Mar. 28, 1872 in Michigan. When the Reeves family moved to Washington Territory in 1889 he was still a teenager. In this photo he is 18 or 19 years old.

They tell me he was employed as a butcher and was an avid hunter. He never married and lived with his sister Jennie and her husband Theodore Hoss until 1920. Eventually he moved to the country where he raised hunting dogs.  

Sid died in Centralia, Washington Aug. 21, 1938. He is buried in Centralia's Pioneer Cemetery under a rapidly eroding simple headstone.


Marilyn McCoo Sings Bacharach

Phone photo 3043

Tumwater, Washington

A Klaus Nomi Moment

Aunt Mary - Gerome

In pencil on album sleeve: Aunt Mary - Gerome

Printed: Chapman, Stanton, Mich.

Mary Jane Reeves (1836-1920) was my great-great grandfather's sister. She married Jerome Burns (1830-1905)

I think it might've been other members of the Burns family who lived in the Centralia area, Washington Territory and served as contacts for the Reeves family when they came out here in 1889.

Ronnie Milsap Sings Bacharach

A Klaus Nomi Moment

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mrs. Lount

In pencil: Mrs. Lount

In print: Drago, Bay City, Mich.

Another mysterious photo in the Reeves Family Album.