Sunday, March 6, 2011

Steve Willis Archives v. 2

1st edition, March 1991. Chico, California : Onward Comics. 50 copies. Blue cover, regular digest size.

This one contains a couple pieces new to this blog.

"The Day I Wore Bruce Chrislip's Tie" was originally published in John E.'s Mumbles # 4, I think. Rather fitting this is being scanned and posted on the eve of Bruce and Joan hosting my visit to SPACE later this month. As time has passed I have come to regard this story to be every bit as pretentious and overly dramatic as the art gallery types I make fun of. The term "cringe-worthy" comes to mind when I read it today-- obviously created at a time when I would occasionally lapse into Drama Boy mode. But I do like the panel of Bruce holding his clip-on tie.

Second, the little ad for The Tragedy of Morty, Prince of Denmarke was a bit of self-promotion that had escaped my memory.