1st edition, Late May or early June, 1982, Seattle, Washington. 3 copies. Legal size leaves. Blue cover. Velobinding.
Yes. Only 3 copies. I'll wager very few of you out there have seen this book.
When I started graduate school at the University of Washington in 1980 we were told to save all our lectures notes for our final exam in order to complete the course. Apparently the questions would be based on our notes.
So I saved several notebooks, and passed the exam in 1982.
But while going through my notes I noticed I did a lot of drawing during those mind numbing and countless hours in class. So I clipped out my scribbles and produced a book of almost 200 pages.
One copy was given to The Evergreen State College (where it hopefully still resides in Archives), I kept a copy, and the third was sold to Lynn Hansen. After he died in 1995 I assume it was donated to Washington State University with the rest of his collection.
Not everything in here was drawn during class, but most of it was. In some cases the images were used in some of my comix in the early 1980s. You can also see where I was playing around with concepts that I later enhanced in my books.
My scanner can't handle legal size, so each page is covered in two images. It isn't easy to scan this behemoth.
So settle in. This is going to take awhile.
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