Actually I've covered the story of the
OlyBlog t-shirt earlier this year. But it belongs in the gallery of t-shirts anyway.

Michael Dowers made this t-shirt in the 1980s (I think) using the Starhead Comix logo I drew.

From the
2002 AIE Summer Program, including
Bezango WA 985 on stage! The images are from the comic series.

A page from
Cranium Frenzy # 3 which was captioned "Three seconds in the life of Rindo Bloch" inspired this play by my brother, Bryan, and the original image was used in the t-shirt.
Cast member
Jeff Kingsbury went on to be elected to the Olympia City Council for one term and his name became an Oly household word-- and not exactly in way anyone would choose.

I first drew the image for
Woofer the Psychic Dog (co-written by Bryan) back in 1986 and it just keeps living on whether it is performed in New York or Olympia. To publicize the 1988 Oly premiere I created a long banner which spanned 4th Ave. about where the
Danger Room is today.
You may be interested to know, at SPACE 2010 Chrislip was actually wearing his Starhead Comix tee!