Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Newt Gingrich is more Disgusting Than a Big Piece of Snot

Some of you might be too young to remember that Newt Gingrich was, when he was at his peak, a low-down, lying, ethically challenged, sewage-spewing, petty, hypocritical psychopath who contributed nothing positive to our country during his destructive ego spree as Speaker of the House in the 1990s. Much of the current toxic tone of our national discourse rests on the shoulders of this moron. He comes across as an intellectual in his presentation, but any of my four cats are more qualified to be President.

I documented his political standing back then. The premise, in my 1996 comic Mukey the Mutant Membrane was that Newt was among the items even more disgusting than a giant walking talking wad of snot. I still stand by this comparison.

Every action he has taken since 1996 and subsequent to his disgraceful exit from public life only confirms my view. It doesn't matter whether you are a liberal, or conservative, libertarian, socialist, whatever-- Newt Gingrich is no damn good. I wouldn't let this sleazebag enter my house.

A bag. Of sleaze. Try to imagine it. Oozing. That's Newt.

So, of course, he's become a front runner in the Republican Party primary. It figures.