Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Short Walk Through Evergroove-- a Comix-eye View

The main "Red Square" and Library Building for The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. It was somewhere on these bricks Lynda Barry dropped a human skeleton and looked in horror as it shattered into tiny pieces.

Behind these doors in the CAB Building (Campus Activities Building), before the place went through a major facelift, sat the office of the student newspaper, The Cooper Point Journal when Matt Groening was editor. Today the area houses student activities offices.

I was amazed and pleased to see the Stairwell Dragons are still with us! Our fellow cartoonist David George was fascinated by this spiral mural. Cruz Esquivel and I shared an adventure with local law enforcement.

The area where the Library Ghost was originally spotted in 1988. According to the eyewitness who returned to area and demonstrated where the ghost had been seen, the being would've been walking away from the camera in the center of the photo.

The huge stairs are now absent, but this is the spot where Evergroove's amazing dedication ceremony took place in 1972.

This squat little cube is actually an air vent and one of many entrances to the fabled steam tunnels. If you are inside this thing you can see people through the grate.