We had a much worse winter storm here in December 1996, but as I recall as bad as that was, we didn't lose any major public buildings. Yesterday the auxiliary gym/storage shed for McCleary School had the roof collapse. I only live a block away and was able to snap some phone photos as the authorities cordoned off the area with police tape.
Ice rain is almost unknown here, so when it happens the whole area gets hammered pretty bad.
Our loss of power here in McCleary has been sporadic. We have been much luckier than our neighbors in Olympia.

The photos taken below were shot this morning as I walked around the neighborhood.

Slushy spinout

Normally standing ramrod straight elm now completely bent

My yard is filled with medium-sized pine, elm and black walnut branches.
And now the thawing starts which means deep slush and floods, so it isn't over.
And now the thawing starts which means deep slush and floods, so it isn't over.
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