Friday, January 27, 2012

Phone photo 1113

This front license plate is all that remains of my beloved '96 Olds Ciera
Now it is displayed in memory over my garage side door


  1. Oh No! Not the Olds Cieria. I had bets on that Beast that leaned towards the Immortal and now I am desolate. This is clearly your fault.


  2. I was plowed into on Christmas morning by a big pickup driven by a woman with a suspended license and no insurance. Although I wasn't cited for anything, it is probably my fault in some karmic sense that I have yet to see. Meanwhile, I'm renting a car until I can find a replacement. I wish Olds was still in business. Best car I ever had. That is one problem with living out here in the sticks, being without a vehicle is a not a realistic option.


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