I was plowed into on Christmas morning by a big pickup driven by a woman with a suspended license and no insurance. Although I wasn't cited for anything, it is probably my fault in some karmic sense that I have yet to see. Meanwhile, I'm renting a car until I can find a replacement. I wish Olds was still in business. Best car I ever had. That is one problem with living out here in the sticks, being without a vehicle is a not a realistic option.
Oh No! Not the Olds Cieria. I had bets on that Beast that leaned towards the Immortal and now I am desolate. This is clearly your fault.
I was plowed into on Christmas morning by a big pickup driven by a woman with a suspended license and no insurance. Although I wasn't cited for anything, it is probably my fault in some karmic sense that I have yet to see. Meanwhile, I'm renting a car until I can find a replacement. I wish Olds was still in business. Best car I ever had. That is one problem with living out here in the sticks, being without a vehicle is a not a realistic option.