Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Postcard - Seattle, Washington

"Looking south from the top of the Space Needle-- this is how Seattle looks in the twilight. 90 miles away but seemingly close-by stands majestic Mt. Rainier (14,408 ft.) glowing in the sunset like a strawberry ice cream cone. A beautiful and unforgettable sight from the Space Needle or from a plane."

Probably from the 1970s. This is one of the more unusual bits of postcard prose I have encountered. Rainier has been one of those awesome geographical features that never ceases to instill wonder into the hearts of us native Washingtonians, east and west. It is part of who we are. We love it, but the Mountain could erupt at any time, causing incredible widespread damage. Those of us who remember the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980 know it can happen with relatively little warning.

Calling The Mountain a "strawberry ice cream cone" is deliciously bizarre.