First published in March 1999, 50 copies (8 pink cover, red guts; 3 pink cover, yellow guts; 1 all pink; 6 yellow cover, pink guts; 12 all yellow; 2 green cover, blue guts; 5 green cover, yellow guts; 1 green cover, pink guts; 12 green cover, red guts).
The 1st Danger Room Reprint Ed. (June 2005) had a run of five copies, yellow covers.
This is pretty much a true story. "Big Poppa Ross" was, of course, Ed "Big Daddy" Roth (1932-2001), the brains behind Rat Fink, hot rod comics, and grotesque cartooning for a generation of us Boomers. He influenced many subsequent cartoonists, and helped lay the groundwork for the later underground comix. One of the Newavers who continued Roth's style was a nice guy named Steve Fiorilla (1961-2009), although many others owe Roth as well for bits of their presentation. Including me. Hence the O-The-Irony-Of-It-All!
When I heard Roth had converted to the LDS faith and expressed disapproval of Morty the Dog, the karma of the whole thing made me laugh. Then I drew a comic about it. You can't make this stuff up.
And yes, our teacher really tried to sell us that load of garbage about pale Commies in NYC skyscrapers.
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