Saturday, March 8, 2014

So Tired

It's 1943 and all the good graphic artists must in uniform, explaining why this sheet music has such a boring cover.

InjectRecords Interprets Bacharach

The Comix Files: Chris Bors

Chris Bors was a cartoonist, publisher, and l'enfant terrible from Ithaca, NY when we corresponded mostly from 1985-1988. He briefly surfaced again in 1994. He had a gift for organizing projects involving many cartoonists, providing us with some some anthologies and group portraits of the era. He also (with my permission) republished/repackaged several of my comix.

Bezango WA, a Work in Progress

The film can be viewed at THIS LINK

Ron Austin and Louise Amandes have released a 25 minute "work in progress" version of their Bezango, WA documentary about cartoonists in the Pacific Northwest. My fellow native Boomers will enjoy seeing that Bob Cram is still in the game! Although this is presented as a draft, the preview can be considered a fine mini-documentary by itself.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Pecos Bill

A song from the 1948 Disney film, Melody Time. The cartoonist who actually drew the cover is uncredited. Any of you cartoon history folks want to take a guess who this artist might be?

Toni Gonzaga Sings Bacharach

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Comix Files: Edward Bolman

Bolman and I corresponded mostly from 1985-1993, and sporadically since then. He was a regular in City Limits Gazette and was even interviewed. We met several times in the 1980s once he stayed here in McCleary! His work is incredible and more complex than meets the eye.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

An Apple Blossom Wedding

It looks like the standards for sheet music covers had declined by 1947, when Nick drew this cover.

Marx Brothers fans might recognize Kenny Baker as the straight man in At the Circus