1st edition, September 5, 2003, 40 copies, ivory cover. All editions are regular digest size.
2nd edition, October 24, 2003, 20 copies, green cover.
Special Oly Comix Fest Edition, May 10, 2004, 32 copies, yellow cover.
1st Danger Room Reprint Edition, June 2005, 5 copies, pink cover.
This is my most recent full length solo comic. It was created as sort of a 30th anniversary of self-publishing obscuro comix-- hence all the reprinted work and dredging up of many old characters. I guess I should get on the dime and really finish up this comic I'm working on now in order to have Cranium Frenzy # 11 ready by 2013 for the 40th anniversary.
This comic was also my experiment with silent timing in comix.
The cover logo was, I think, drawn on toilet paper or a paper towel with felt tip and then enlarged.
Page 3: There are many characters in this story who were left over from the unpublished Bezango WA 985 # 9, such as Oric the waiter. They will be easy to spot.
Page 8: Oogla boogla meebee zeebee was a chant I first used in comix in the early 1970s.
Page 15, last panel: My favorite panel in the whole comic. Shows you how us lowbrows like to celebrate frivolity.
Page 20-22: My comment on the post 9/11 world. Also, a personal photocopier in the hands of a cartoonist can be a dangerous thing.
Page 28: I like the word "thwart" almost as much as I like the word "cranium."
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