Saturday, March 12, 2011

And now, for the literary portion of this blog

This broadside was found last Thursday in a toilet stall of a men's restroom of a certain office building filled with serious white collar professionals in Tumwater, Washington.

I'd like to say that when I saw it I laughed so hard I lost my aim and urinated all over the floor. But that would be such a cheap laugh and I'm above such things. So I won't say it. So please forget you just read the previous three sentences. Or, actually, the previous four sentences plus this very one you are reading telling you to forget reading the previous four sentences. But you can still read the first sentence. OK, now here's the deal. Forget you read this whole paragraph and just read the first sentence over again (now revised) that says:

This broadside was found last Thursday in a toilet stall of a men's restroom of a certain office building filled with serious white collar professionals in Tumwater, Washington. I found this slightly amusing.

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