Logo by Clay Geerdes, Randy Reynaldo on the Fred question, Bil Keane Watch by Wayno, What's in and what's out for 1993 by Jeff Snee, Teenage Turtle filming in Astoria Oregon, CLG reader profile of Mike Culpepper, Tuck Petertil in the Oly art scene, Bil Keane Watch by Ricardo Nancy McJacksonstein, Bil Keane Watch by Jeff Zenick, William Dockery signs up, return of Factsheet Five?, Bruce Sweeney's Underground Station with logo by Bruce Bolinger, CLG reader profile of Bruce Sweeney with illustration by Gary Whitney, Comics Journal small press index by Gary Usher.
Hello everyone... the sad news of Bil Keane's passing brought me here. Great to see various parts of the massive small press history is being archived, if slowly. Hope all is well with you guys who still remain.
Poetry & Music from Will Dockery: