Weird Al, who I admire tremendously, covered the issue number here better than anyone, Bil Keane Watch by Maximum Traffic, Jane Oliver dies and reading this almost two decades later still makes me angry and depressed and my eyes well up, Gary Usher donates rare comix to WSU, I endorse Bill Clinton in 1992, sick McCleary jokes, Bil Keane Watch with Mike Lee and Mark Campos, A Fragment of a Forthcoming Biography of Clay Geerdes (I wish Clay was still with us. I'd love to hear his opinions on the current trends. He'd be in his 70s and probably sitting at the head of the table, where he earned his place, pontificating. I miss him), Bruce Sweeney's Underground Station with logo by Jerry Riddle, another Bil Keane Watch by M. Stengl, readers give me grief over my belief that free will is a myth and print is dead-- two truisms I hold to this day.
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