In 1986-1988, while working in a temp job in The Evergreen State College Library, a student named Ms. Greenberg would occasionally pay me a visit and want to talk comix. I don't know how she found me, but she was a Morty fan. I enjoyed visiting with her whenever she came by. I recall she was unfailingly cheerful and pleasant, which of course made me wonder even more how she could've been a Morty reader.
But she was, and I was grateful that such an upbeat person found something of worth in my comix.
One day in the Spring of 1987 she brought me this printout sent by her friend Casey Boyd of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This was the first time I ever saw any of my works reviewed by an online source.
This was also the first time I saw an email address, including the use of the "@" symbol. Of course, I didn't see it online, I just saw the printout. I wouldn't be exposed to BITNET as part of my job at WLN until 1990.
Anyway, it turns out hsu@uicsrd.CSRD.UIUC.EDU is Dr. William Tsun-yuk Hsu, now a professor of computer science at San Francisco State University.
So Dr. Bill Hsu, a very belated thank you for providing what was probably the very first online mention of my work. And thank you Casey and Ms. Greenberg, wherever you are, for giving me the info.
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