Sunday, August 7, 2011

Resistance is Useless

My new coffee grinder came with an instruction booklet that included the warning: "Do not attempt to defeat the cover interlock mechanism."

But did I pay heed? Unfortunately not. Instead I took this as a challenge.

And the result was humiliation and shame.

First I attempted to threaten the grinder with a cane but realized I was resorting to violence. And that will never do.

So I challenged the grinder to a gentlemanly game of Operation (The SpongeBob Squarepants edition!) and the grinder won every time!

"Do not attempt to defeat the cover interlock mechanism."


  1. You lost your razor!? :)

  2. The one-year experiment of being clean shaven is over. It was fun, but I kept feeling like I was in disguise the whole time. So now I'm getting back to what I really am-- a guy with a beard.


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