Saturday, March 23, 2013

WBG! Max Traffic! Andy Nukes!

Two news items here. First, our old friend Buzz Buzzizyk has just published the latest White Buffalo Gazette. 44 p., enlarged digest format. Includes work by Jim Siergey (nice cover, Jim!), Max Clotfelter, Clark Dissmeyer, Paul Krassner, Steve Willis, O'Ryan, Suzanne Baumann, Chad Woody, Mike Hill, Matt Feazell, Andy Nukes, Tom Brinkmann, Jeff Zenick, Kelly Froh, Delaine Derry Green, Joel Orff, Brad Foster, Mariana Weflen, George Erling, Billy McKay, Jerry Sims, Edward Bolman, Sean Bieri, Tom Motley, Buzz Buzzizyk, John Porcellino,  Blair Wilson, and Andrew Goldfarb.

Buzz can be contacted at 130 Short St., Butler, PA 16001

Secondly, our comrade Maximum Traffic, apparently while visiting Florida, met with the amazing Andy Nukes! Max is the one in the hat.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Buzz. And Hi Andy.

    I hope to see you again at one of the next Pittsburgh show. Last fall's show at CMU was pretty decent.

    Jerry Goebert


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