Monday, October 14, 2013

Phone photo 2932

Ocean Shores, Washington


  1. Hey Steve, you're tapped into the local zeitgeist there in the great northwest, any panic about the radiation from fukushima? I mean should people be avoiding seafood? I have this terrible genetic predisposition towards pessimism, but come on, those radiation maps online are downright scary.

  2. From what I see our own radiation leaks from the Hanford Reservation are more deadly than anything from the Japan quake. In fact, having been a resident of Spokane myself in the mid-1950s as massive leaks took place makes me a "downwinder."

    Occasionally we do get grime-filled skies due to extreme pollution from China.

    The West Coast is anarchy. It is crazy. It is dangerous. We live on the newest edge of the World. Those who don't like change or need to feel extra-secure should not live here. In addition to nutty people, we have earthquakes and volcanoes.


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