Thursday, June 2, 2011


Terminal. June 2, 2011. 100 copies, ivory paper, regular digest size.

Cover: Steven Stwalley
p. 2: Steve Willis
p. 3: Harry Bell
p. 4: Bob Vojtko
p. 5: Dan W. Taylor and Chad Woody
p. 6: Steven Stwalley
p. 7: Ed DeVore
p. 8: Roldo
p. 9: Marc Myers
p. 10: Bob Vojtko and Anvil
p. 11: Bruce Chrislip
p. 12: Bruce Chrislip
p. 13: Brad W. Foster
p. 14: Bob Vojtko
back cover: Chad Woody

I'll be sending out contrib copies to the artists and to our fab Morty the Blog patrons who have dropped some of the coin of the realm in the donate box.

I've already got a few drawings for yet another jam. Please feel free to send me a random image and I'll see how I can make it part of story!

And Dan W. Taylor, I have not forgotten I still owe you a drawing.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Never have I seen such a pleasing bovine future. Let's start making those heavy-duty skateboards, Family Radio Apocalyptians.


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