Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bezango: On Being Hairy in Olympia

Olympia Power & Light, sometime in late 2010.

To sidetrack here. That 1963 Studebaker Lark was less than a decade old when this Polaroid was snapped. Back then the speed on SR 8 was 70, which meant everyone bombed along at 80. The Lark had a V8 engine in a little body so that baby flew. Also, I loved the fact the ignition was on the left side for us southpaws!


  1. Yeah, well seeing you without a beard made me feel like we were just starting library school and triggered a major panic attack. Thanks, pal!

  2. Heh-heh. Now I guess I have to grow it back in order to restore sanity. But on the other hand, you get to be happily retired while I still slave away in the workforce. So suddenly my sympathies are held in check.


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