Sunday, July 3, 2011

Outside In # 12

1st edition, 1984, 150 copies on white cardstock.

2nd edition, 1984. Seattle, Washington : Starhead Comix, regular stock white paper.

George Kochell, Greg Nelson, Denver Tucson, Al Simons, Ed DeVore, Will Shetterly, The Pizz

And, yay! Ed DeVore is back on the scene after a long absence!

Al Simons apparently died in 2006.


  1. Whoa! That takes me back. Thanks for posting it.

  2. Nice to hear from you, Will! Be sure to also check out the Dec. 1, 2010 post here for "End of the Earth and Turn Left" to experience another trip back in time, to your first book, "Cats Have No Lord."


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