Sunday, June 3, 2012

Olympia Comics Festival 2012, pt. 2

Two SWs, Shannon Wheeler and Steve Willis

I like this gig where the Danger Room guys assign me the task of interviewing great cartoonists at the Olympia Comics Festival. I used to interview and document cartoonists a lot during my City Limits Gazette days and didn't realize how much I missed that aspect of mixing librarianship with comix until the last couple years when I got roped into helping out in Oly.

This was probably one of the most seamless interviews in my experience-- mostly due to Shannon's impressive self-awareness as an artist and his willingness to speak frankly. I didn't feel like I had to pull nails out of this guy. He is a very modest, likeable, thoughtful and talented artist with a good stage presence. We really clipped along and covered a lot of ground in short time. Shannon is a cartoonist who has gone through a fascinating evolution in the last couple decades and is well worth following.

[Photo taken by Casey Bruce]