Monday, November 26, 2012

Morty Comix # 2472

Morty Comix # 2472 was drawn on the morning window condensation of the trailer where my brother Bryan and nephew Zach were staying at the Sou'wester in Seaview, Washington.

Too bad most of the image is lost in the photo. I guess this issue of Morty Comix is mostly lost to history as well. I realize that my current distribution of this title on the face might seem crazy, but on another level I have an audience who reads the Morty the Blog documentation of this artistic communication, although it garners very few responses from the finders. So the comic alone isn't as important as the conceptual placement and documentation, which in itself has become my new art form.

The Myth of Sisyphus by Big Al Camus probably explains my motives here better than anything else.

Back in 1965 we lost our big farm home to fire, and that was followed by seven glorious years with four of us in a trailer about the same size as the one pictured above. Our trailer was a third-hand, falling apart Great Lakes. Our Shetlands would scratch their backs on the end of the mobile home, and our whole house would shake.

But we survived intact and emerged the better for it. My own early lesson here was that material possessions are temporary and can be taken away in a flash. And when that happens, what is left?

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