Friday, January 20, 2012

The Four Horsemen of the Snowpocalypse

The Four Horsemen of the Snowpocalypse: Snow, Wind, Ice, and Ice Rain.

We had a much worse winter storm here in December 1996, but as I recall as bad as that was, we didn't lose any major public buildings. Yesterday the auxiliary gym/storage shed for McCleary School had the roof collapse. I only live a block away and was able to snap some phone photos as the authorities cordoned off the area with police tape.

Ice rain is almost unknown here, so when it happens the whole area gets hammered pretty bad.

Our loss of power here in McCleary has been sporadic. We have been much luckier than our neighbors in Olympia.

The photos taken below were shot this morning as I walked around the neighborhood.

Slushy spinout

Normally standing ramrod straight elm now completely bent

My yard is filled with medium-sized pine, elm and black walnut branches.

And now the thawing starts which means deep slush and floods, so it isn't over.

Phone photo 1093

On the map this place is designated as Whites, Washington but all the locals know it better as White Star

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Phone photo 1086

Frosty the Inappropriate Snowman

This morning I walked to beautiful downtown McCleary to get some breakfast since we are all snowed in up here in the hills. And in front of the only tavern in town is a snowman that was constructed, I somehow suspect, with alcohol being involved.

Why is this snowman inappropriate? It is as plain as the nose that used to be on his face.

Phone photo 1085

Phone photo 1084

Phone photo 1083

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Phone photo 1076

Pennies from Heaven.

Should I Be Worried?

So I am spending today cleaning up and sorting through home bureaucracy. And in the meantime playing old LPs to smooth the way.

Here's what is worrying me. I just played John Lennon's final album, Double Fantasy, which I had not listened to in a long time and found that I actually enjoyed Yoko Ono's songs more than John's.

Am I going insane or what? I seek advice from fellow Boomers but perhaps later generations have a clearer reality check.

Phone photo 1075


Phone photo 1074

Phone photo 1073

Elma, Washington