Monday, March 25, 2019

Cryogenic Comix # 27

Cryogenic Comix # 27
Copyright (c) 2019 Steve Willis

The "N.E. Vermont" drawing is a reference to a part of that state the locals call "The Northeast Kingdom," regarded (at least when I lived in Burlington in 1979) as a bastion of "old" Vermont the same way Grays Harbor County is regarded as a part of "old" Washington State.

This reminds that I drew a rough draft for a children's book while in Vermont. It was a story about a little dragon, I think. I left it with a small publisher somewhere in the middle of the state and then forgot all about it. Oh well.

Cryogenic Comix # 26

Cryogenic Comix # 26
Copyright (c) 2019 Steve Willis

Most of these drawings from the first half of 1980 barely fit on my scanner. This batch includes a very disorganized Morty the Bear story. I think the idea was to eventually bring all the crazy threads together. The pages have thumbtack holes, meaning I had them on the wall with a plan.

That photo was me at my drawing space in early 1980 where many of these images were created. The window had a beautiful view of our neighbor, the KFC franchise in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle.

Cryogrenic Comix # 25

Cryogenic Comix # 25
Copyright (c) 2019 Steve Willis

 More trying it on with Morty the Bear. Drawings from the first half of 1980.