Friday, February 18, 2011

Retreads 12

1st edition, November 2005, 25 copies, white cover, regular digest size.


Page 3: Hey, you draw cartoons! Draw a cartoon for our boss who is leaving. And make it look like Calvin and Hobbes. We need it in 45 minutes.

Page 13: The Mona Lisa rubber stamp was made by Kevin Wildermuth.

Page 17: It appears Maximum Traffic took a Morty Comix drawing and enhanced it into a minicomic cover. He also provided the caption for the white buffalo images I sent him.

Page 20, panel 1: A quote from Bob Dole's speech at the 1996 Republican Convention. The thing I always liked about Dole is that he was a mean-spirited, cranky old S.O.B. who always mentioned himself in the third person. And winning new voters to his base was apparently not important to him as he insulted major chunks of the American demographic with obvious glee. I particularly enjoyed watching Dole and Steve Forbes during the 1996 primary season debates, quite the comedy team.

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