Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Phone photo 334


  1. Steve,
    Thanks for posting all the SPACE pictures, and for the report. Can't say it is like being there, but it helps a lot. I was surprised to see a picture of you... and no beard!!! For some reason Max Traffic looked just like I had always pictured him.
    I knew you would like Tim Corrigan, although I only usually see him once a year for two days, I consider him one of my best friends.
    Any thoughts about going back next year?


  2. Thanks Larned. There were a few folks I was hoping to meet, like you and Vojtko, which means I'll just have to make more an effort to travel in the future. Maybe I should get a van and have Morty go on tour. Tim Corrigan is one of those guys anyone can instantly like.


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