Bruce Chrislip and Matt Feazell inspect the Outside In foamboard display right before the event where I'm interviewed by Bruce.
Judging by the expression on Bruce's face, I'd say he was using the method actor technique of preparing for his role as interviewer. For you see, about 35 minutes after this was taken, I saw Bruce give the greatest performance of anyone ever on any panel discussion of any type.
In the course of the hour, Bruce read a couple selections from "The Bil Keane Watch." The first one was from City Limits Gazette # meat of the tree (June 1991):

This 50 minute Chrislip-interviews-Willis portion has been captured on audio by both D. Blake Werts and Bruce Rosenberger. I have a copy of the Werts version and The Fabulous Sarah is working on a way for us to post it here.
Update, 3/25/2011: Audio by Bruce Rosenberger is available at the SPACE website:
Bruce Chrislip's amazing performance is about 30-35 minutes into the program.
I wasn't able to attend the panel but thanks to Bruce I still heard most of it.