Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lynn Hansen Photos, San Diego 1983

Here are some photographs Lynn Hansen took at the San Diego Comic Convention in 1983. None of them are marked so I'm taking a guess.

You fellow old folks are welcome to hop in and help me identify some faces. Brad Foster, Dave Miller, and Clay Geerdes are the only three here I've met in person.

Top: Valentino, David Miller, Par Holman, Clay Geerdes.
Middle and Bottom: Clay holding court.

Left to right: Brad Foster, Par Holman, Dave Miller, guy with hands in mouth is Steve Lafler, and the fellow holding a drink behind him is Valentino. The rest I cannot identify.

Top: Robert Williams
Bottom: Trina Robbins

Top: Brad Foster on the right.
Bottom: Gerard Santi, Robert Williams, Don Donahue, Ron Turner, Trina Robbins, Warren Greenwood.

David E. Miller, one of the greatest Newave cartoonists ever, holding a Comix Wave spec sheet. Of this photo Lynn wrote: "The spotting process I used did not work as well as I had hoped. Oh well No one else will get a copy of the David Miller print, only two exist and that is it."

Top and bottom: The one and only Brad W. Foster, the undisputed most prolific artist to come out of the Newave. That Texas star behind him reminds me that if you read up on the U.S.-Mexican War, Texas was actually founded by illegal immigrants. Holy irony, Batman! I need to ask, is that Dave Patterson in the background of the bottom photo?


  1. Just saw this posting. Yes, that is Dave in the photo with me. Haven't herd from him in ages. So many people over so many years!

  2. Thanks for the confirmation, Brad.

    I love the fact a now ancient slide projector is shown in the 4th photo!

    Can you identify anyone else in that 4th photo?

    Who is the gentleman with you in the 7th photo?

    And how and when did your two eyes merge into one?


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