This year the Oly Comics Fest filled 40 tables. I'd say the majority of attendees were from Portland, reflecting how our neighbor has become the cartoonists magnet of the Pacific Northwest while the Seattle scene fades into the background. Either way, Olympia is lucky to be situated between these two great cities.
I took a whole bunch of phone photos and apologize for the poor quality. Think of it as an impressionist impression of the event. Yeah, that's the ticket. I also didn't get quite all the tables or catch everyone's names, but sometimes it's more fun to visit than to document.

Since I didn't have a lot of time, my questions were pretty off the wall, just serving as a preliminary for his later interview. Larry never considered himself fully a member of the small circle of underground cartoonists when he produced work for Corporate Crime Comics, Tales From the Ozone, etc., but rather on the periphery. But he still regards that association as a very positive thing.
Larry does have one Newave comix title he contributed to: Unfunny Animals in 1981, published by Clay Geerdes. When I asked him about this before the show, he couldn't really recall it.
I was also fascinated by the fact he is the only cartoonist I've met who had Jackie Onassis as an editor. According to Larry, she was something of an advanced doodler/cartoonist herself!
A true Renaissance Man cartoonist covering a wide variety of topics, it was a pleasure to meet him.

Sorry I didn't make it this year, Steve. Thank you for the report and photos!