Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Jam Comic Still Alive, Honest

As some of you might recall, last February I compiled and published a Morty the Dog blog jam called We Rode With the Clowns. Shortly after that I sounded a call for contributions for a second book.

Yes, that book is still alive. The script is now finished and I'm hoping to get it into print in the next month or so. The contributors are: Anvil (she created the above image), Harry Bell, Bob Vojtko, Dan W. Taylor, Steve Stwalley, Ed DeVore, Roldo, Marc Myers, Bruce Chrislip, Chad Woody and Brad Foster. Is that a great lineup or what? Hopefully my script will do these wonderful artists justice. I still have to create my linking illustration and captions.

In the meantime, any graphics that arrive from this point on will find their way into a third jam book. Basically, just send me an image, any drawing that I can present before a mixed audience, and than I'll link the randomness together into a story like the Clowns book. This next one has a tighter story than the first. So stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. This comic was published a year ago under the title "Terminal":



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