Saturday, December 14, 2013

Morty Comix # 2677

Morty Comix # 2677 was tacked up on the "Happenings" portion of the public bulletin at the Olympia, Washington Eastside Food Co-Op.

In 1976 this building was the business headquarters for a local RV sales place. I had a brief job there washing and moving around giant Winnebagos. They fired me because I couldn't work on a weekend outside my schedule due to something else I had planned. I remember I had a co-worker from Germany who was pretty fun. My salary was probably 2 bucks an hour. Back then jobs were easy to come by, so I moved on. No big deal.

All the sales staff at that RV place looked like the kind of people I draw in Morty Comix, come to think of it! I had a wide variety of employment opportunities when I was young that introduced me to many characters who no doubt shaped my view of human nature and thus my portraits in Morty Comix.

Life is funny.

The past episode mentioned above contributed to my story "Scabies Escapadies"